Saturday, June 03, 2006
for JT
Apparently graffiti artists ‘round the world agree with you. Snoop Dogg and Tupac are indeed lyrical geniuses.
It was dusk when Denise and I took a neighborhood walk to get this shot. Yes, that’s right. This work of art is just around the corner. Sorry that the light isn’t great, but you get the idea. And I thought the dumpster in front added a nice feel.

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I dont recall ever asying that Snoop was a genuis. Sure he has amazing flow and basically invented his own language by simply putting izzle on the end of everthing. But 2pac is the real dizzle. With the likes of John Lennon and Chris Knight. Its good to know that you appreciate the finer things in life even if you dont have in door plumbing.
Its been like 24 hours and Im still waiting for someone to acknowledge my Chris Knight reference. Anyone, Anybody.
I chuckled to myself. Sorry I hesitated to lavish you with public praise. You get bored at work, doncha?
I didn't even know who Chris Knight was. I googled him and came up with the dude from the Brady Bunch (Peter Brady--my fave when I was younger, and currently on the reality show that Shan can't get in her current palatial estate--My Fairy Brady). But I found out in the process that he's only like 6 years younger than my mom, according to IMDB, which I don't really see how that's possible. Was he playing a hormonal teenger (and pre-teen) on that show, Ralph Macchio style, when he was really in his 20s? That can't be, IMDB must be mistaken.
Finally I saw that Chris Knight is a country music star and wrote a song called Oil Patch Town. I bet he and the lead singer of Creed occasionally have pissing matches behind the bleachers at NASCAR. That's all the credit I'm giving you at this time.
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