Friday, November 03, 2006


You know how killer bees are really called Africanized Bees? Well, they are. And now I know that everything in Africa is just more agressive. The men, generally yes.

And the flies? Cheese and rice! Have you ever watched a "Save the Children" commercial and wondered why that Etheopian baby don't swat at that fly? Yeah, that fly that's crawling RIGHT ON HIS EYEBALL?? That's because the fly is an African one. Thus, that fly will go nowhere. But if it DOES go somewhere... that somewhere will be approximately 6 inches away (that's about 15 centimeters here), and he will come right on back to the task at hand.

I'm growing out my ponytail just so I can shake my head and hit my face with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bees. and flies. two of my least favorite things! oh and mosquitoes. hate those things too. but i do like you and so i wish you would come back to visit.