We got enough mats for everyone, then we moved the naptime festivities into the classroom so it could be monitored properly. It was a struggle getting the little muppets to understand the simple commands "Stay on your mat," "Lie still," and "Be quiet." For a few weeks naptime, even in the classroom, looked a little like this:

Finally, today, a beautiful thing happened. There were six kids in class. Six kids went to sleep. On a Monday. A MONDAY, I said. A day when they usually only have one volume and one speed: scream and run. I would say it was a miracle if that didn't take most of the credit away from Denise and I. And right now, I'm enjoying feeling like we are GODDESS TEACHERS!
so i've taken a part-time job tutoring kids... native english speaking kids... i have a couple who are early readers, and it's such a challenge to do simple things like explain the mysteries of the silent "e" or teach them how to methodically write slanted lines to create an "X". damn do i have so much more respect for you and your room of multilingual terrors!
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